Friday, December 14, 2007

Blue Wind - The Mole & Sunflower

Wonderful story about friendship - The mole and sunflower.
Written by Ivica Vanja Roric.

Blue Wind

New illustrations for the books of my friend - Ivaica Vanja Roric from Sarajevo.

Mouse from Oklahoma

- Mouse from Oklahoma - new illustrations with bat and old mouse.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Trtko i velika kradja potoka

Ilustracije za knjigu Trtko i velika kradja potoka Rune Belsvika /Norveska/

Book in Progress

Illustrations for book in progress - title: Alexander the Great.

Book with many flaps on pages. Great book for the little boys :D

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Blue Wind

Some illustrations for book my friend Ivica Vanja Roric from Sarajevo.
Book title is Blue Wind. Vanja is a really great poet.